Spring Boot Matrix Variable Annotation

Nithidol Vacharotayan
8 min read2 days ago

Among these annotations, the MatrixVariable annotation is a powerful tool for parsing and binding name-value pairs within URI path segments. By leveraging this annotation, developers can create more expressive and intuitive URLs, enabling them to pass and retrieve data in a more organized and structured manner. Most developers are usually similar to request param annotation than Matrix Variable annotation.

The Matrix Variable Concept: A Brief Overview

The concept of matrix variables finds its roots in the RFC 3986 specification, which discusses using name-value pairs in path segments. While “matrix variables” is a Spring-coined terminology, it is an alternative implementation for handling URI path parameters.

Matrix variables offer a flexible approach to handling complex GET requests by allowing developers to embed parameters within the different path segments of a URI. This feature becomes particularly useful when dealing with requests involving many parameters or when additional parameters are required to refine the search criteria.

Comparison of @MatrixVariable and @RequestParam in Spring Boot

MatrixVariable annotation




Nithidol Vacharotayan

Programming enthusiast with 10+ years of experience in Java loves sharing knowledge with others and exploring new technologies together!